Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let me be silent..
Let me be still
In the Presence
Saying nothing
Asking nothing
Being silent
Being still
Your Face, my Beloved
Looks upon me
That is all
That is enough
You know
You understand
You love me
Let me receive
Let me be still
Let me be silent
     Jim Cotter

Let me walk into this new year with peace, courage and love.
Let me walk.
Let me ask for nothing
Let me receive everything with grace.
Let me walk beside you every moment.
Let me honor that path.
Let me be forgiven for everything.
Let me forgive others for everything.
Let me love freely.

Let me see my life as a gift.
Let me see my body as a gift, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, feet.... down to the smallest cell that carries my blood.
Let me forget old hurts and have eyes of compassion.
I know you will bless me on this way,
always you are in my heart and soul.

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