Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"These years, like centuries
have imprinted themselves on my skin,
engraving your name over and over again.
I have longed to hear your voice
to feel your touch
but then you have written your love
all around me
in all I see
in all I feel."  (I don't know who wrote that.)

"I saw eternity the other night
and like a great ring of pure and endless light
as calm as it was bright..."  Henry Vaughn  1621-1695

Love writes itself around us and stays in the circle of our  life, the love of another, our love for them, it melds into one
continuous, eternal love that has no limits no end.

All the other things, the hereafter, the circle of eternity, the heavens, the places we travel to when we leave our earth, I don't know, I don't understand, I can't comprehend,
 it mystifies me and confuses me and I doubt and I doubt.
but love, that part of eternity I understand.
I'm holding onto that. I know it's true.

This rainy and icy morning I pray for Don, for his brilliant and gentle soul, to be at peace.

and I always pray for you, out in the near distance.

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