Friday, January 7, 2011

"I needed to set my own pace for the journey.

 It might have seemed to someone looking on from the outside that I was walking in place,
or dragging my feet, for I was not ready to turn my attention to the future for many months.

 But from inside the experience, I was moving as quickly as I could covering enormous segments of land with a rapidity that used all my energy.
 Only I could know how much time I needed to make each leg of the journey."   Diane Kennedy Pike

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding."   Kahlil Gibran

All this time I haven't moved much.
I may need to let go of expectations on the course of my life.
I may need to let go of everything to go back to something.

Does that make sense?

There is something underneath all this,
let me not make the same mistakes in life over and over.

Let me learn from what I have done and give me the strength to do better.

May your soul and all the souls of the departed, Don, Gladys, Harry, Moose, Sally, Barry, Elizabeth's father, Dai Sil's parents, Rafi, Grandma Violet, Santo, my grandfather, Antoinette, my grandmother, my grandfather George, my baby brother Dominic the first,  David and Linda Lee's baby daughter Angelina, and so many in peace.

May those of us left here on earth be at peace.

May my understanding of this life grow and my judgement of life diminish.

 "The soul never takes birth and never dies at anytime nor does it come into being again when the body is created.  The soul is birthless, eternal, imperishable and timeless and is never terminated when the body is terminated." 
Bhagavad-Gita/ Chapter 2
verse 20

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