Saturday, January 29, 2011

"In order for us to go forward, we must live in the now.  We must take the day that we have been given and make of it what we can.  We cannot change the past.  We can only regret it, and such dwelling leaches optimism from the day at hand.  It is one more way to be blocked and a sadly effective one --- if only.  If only things were different, but they're
not !"  

"I needed to believe that we are guided at all times, and that we do the best we can by the light we have to see by.  If God is all powerful, and I believe that God is, then there is no such thing as an irreparable mistake.   If I ask for guidance and my course needs correcting, I will get the guidance necessary to correct my course. There is no need for harsh recrimination.

There is no need to count back over the past looking for wrong turns.  The decisions of a decade ago must be seen as the best decisions we could have made at the time.  In any case, a decade past is a decade past and there is no changing things.  Today can perhaps be done better but the past cannot be undone."
 Julia Cameron

I dreamt that I was in the dark holding the hand of a little girl.  We came to a very dark corner on the path, we couldn't see ahead.  We stopped.
I looked back knowing my father was behind us somewhere. I called out, Dad, Dad, and soon he came to us.

I'm going to try and believe that, he is there, just around the corner not too far from me and when it gets dark I can call out and he will come to show me the way towards the light.

And there is no good coming from going backward.  I must "take the day that I have been given and make of it what I can."

I pray for light to find its way towards me and that you are there looking over my shoulder guiding me away from the darkness towards light.

I'm praying for you everyday, praying for your soul to be at peace, untroubled, and joyful.

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