Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Prayer is an interaction between humanity and God."

"Love is the core energy that rules everything. Love is the one ingredient that holds us all together."  John Fetzer

 "Make me an instrument of your peace,
   where there is doubt, faith
   where there is despair, hope,
   where there is darkness, light
    where there is sadness, joy.....   excerpt from St. Francis prayer

I'm praying for peace for me, for my family, my friends, everyone.
I'm praying for myself to find faith instead of live in doubt.
I'm praying for the despair I feel to turn into hope.
I'm praying for the light to return, to be led out of the darkness.
And a prayer to take my sadness and lead it one day into joy, the joy of you, of all that you were on earth, on all that you are
 in the world of the soul.

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