Saturday, January 29, 2011

"When unhappy, one doubts everything; when happy, one doubts nothing."  Joseph Roux

" losing someone you love is like having a tree that had been growing in your heart suddenly yanked out by its roots, leaving a gaping hole or wound."  Diane Kennedy Pike

  I feel like a whole world had grown in my heart.  The more I was with you, the more I loved you, the more I understood about love.

   It's hard to not feel like " a tree has been yanked out by its roots.

    It was a universe fully created, fully formed, it was beautiful and safe.  I could live there.

    Now the universe has moved somewhere outside or maybe deeper inside, I'm not sure.

     I don't want to doubt God, or your soul's existence or communicating with your soul.

     Maybe that day is coming, I don't know.

      I feel a slant of light leaning in to me.

      I pray that you are here and with all of us guiding us gently toward your light.

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