Sunday, January 2, 2011

"All symphonies remain unfinished."   Karl Rahner

"There is no perfect decision, perfect outcome, or perfect life.  Embracing imperfection helps us relax into reality.

  "What ifs"  can help us dream or they can move us to sorrow for our sins.  
    But when they move you toward fear, prevent you from moving ahead in healthy ways, lead to dead ends and "cause gnawing anxiety," they are most likely not coming from spirit."     James Martin, SJ

All the time I go over what I could have done, could have prevented.
It is a dead end, because nothing I do now can change the past.

  I ask for my good spirit to guide me along the way back from the past into the present, the only place I have the space to change.
  I pray that you, you, you, will always be there like a gentle hand on my shoulder, steering me toward the light.

  I pray that I am not taking you away from your soul's task, but somehow I believe we are forever connected, and my task in living is to be guided by your loving soul.

  I pray it's all right to believe that.

 it's the only way I can go forward.


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