Monday, January 31, 2011

you are absent and I feel absent too.
before I felt such pain I could just be the pain,
now I feel I'm allowing myself to feel better.
but a part of me feels absent and not with my feet planted on the ground.

that's part of it too.

Maybe I  think too much.

I asked Fr. Peter, our long lost cousin, last night
on the long distance call from Brisbane,
before you go, I have one question.
Do souls  need our prayers?
I can't figure that one out.
Yes, he said, they do.
but he couldn't explain exactly why
so I m stll unsure about that.
except I will always pray for you, always always always.

I pray for your goodness and your love to be part of me every moment, every day.

I pray for your soul to be the happiest, most peaceful, joyful soul in the universe.

I pray to know, not to worry about believing..

" The word "belief"  is a difficult thing for me.  I don't believe.  I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis.  Either I know a thing and then I know it - I don't need to believe it."
Carl Jung

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