Saturday, January 1, 2011

"We are sometimes powerless over what happens to others."
  "Many things are not within your power to change."
 These are difficult to accept.
 I still have the feeling I could have done more, could have changed the outcome.
 And then everything would have been all right.
 Nothing is all right.
  I'm working on it.
  with your love to guide me I'll go into this next year on a new path, one I don't know, and have no idea where it will lead.
  An unknown and mysterious path.
  I have to be brave, as you were.

   This is what I want to live, I know you would see its value.
     From St. Ignatius
  Listen compassionately
  Be present
  Do something practical
  Love freely
I honor you by life in action with these values.
 It would have been a great conversation between us.
 I'll keep talking to you, may you always listen.....

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