Saturday, January 22, 2011

I have a great reverence now for love.

It is the miracle of life,

that someone is given to us who loves us and cherishes us.

Why it took me so long to have that reverence, that awe for love,   I have no idea.

And it grows inside me like a flower blossoming all over my earthbound soul.

"Perfect love casts out fear ."   Dorothy Day

 You left me this "perfect love"  so that I may walk unafraid, alone yet always within the sea of your soul.

 I just have to find the strength and courage to head into the waves,  that is what you taught me about being a sailor, you steer the ship into the waves, if you don't, if you try to go around them, the ship turns over and is lost.

 You have to have faith.

  This is my prayer for you today, that all the lessons of love you left me, I will live with awe and reverence.

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