Monday, December 27, 2010

"The soul is a fact, but it is not physical.  This can make it difficult to understand what it is and where it is within you."

"Your soul tells you, "Everything is in the hands of a force greater than what you perceive in the present moment.  Let go. Do not let the illusion of the moment seduce you into a misperception. Let it go.  Other guidance is at work that you cannot see or hear. You are not alone.  Let go. Surrender."

 "Only a soul with stamina can truly believe those instructions and have the faith to follow them.  The mind can repeat them like a mantra but cannot truly force itself to believe."

  Carolyn  Myss

    I don't understand and I want to.
    Praying for surrender to what I don't understand.
    trust in life, in love, in the soul. without understanding or wanting a physical sign.

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