Saturday, December 11, 2010

"The more you know yourself, the more you will forgive yourself."  Confucius

These could have been your words.
You are wise like Confucius.

I remember you saying, "when you are in a hole the first thing to do is stop digging."
I thought it was yours, until I read in a book that Confucius was credited with it.

No matter, all the wise things you said somehow became yours, the look in your eyes when you said it,
the sincerity and compassion you said it with all made them yours.

I pray to listen with my heart now and my spirit to all the wise words you said,
now that you are not here to look into my eyes, to hold my hand.

I pray to live the words and not just say them, as you lived your words.

I pray always and forever for your soul to be near mine so that I may feel its touch wherever I am.


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