Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Being here is so much."  Rilke

"The soul has no limits."  Heraclitus

"Meister Eckhart was once asked where does the soul of a person go when the person dies? He said, no place.  Where else would the soul be going?  Where else is the eternal world?  It can be nowhere other than here.  The soul of the person goes no place because there is no place else to go. The only difference between us and the dead is that they are now in an invisible form.  You cannot see them with the human eye.  But you can sense the presence of those you love who have died.  With the refinement of your soul, you can sense them.   You feel that they are near."    John O"Donohue/  Anam Cara

In whatever space you occupy now
I want to believe you are close by.
In all my troubles and fears
I want to know I can talk to you.
In all my loneliness and longing
I want to know you hear me.
Sometimes I don't believe you are here,
but I want to, more than anything.

You live in a "circle of eternity."

Why do I doubt myself ? I let others persuade me it's not true.

 I join you in the circle of eternity.
 And I will never leave.

No matter what anyone says.


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