Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Several Times in the Last Week
Ever since Happiness heard your name
It has been running through the streets
Trying to find you.

And several times in the last week,
God Himself has even come to my door-
Asking me for your address!

Once I said,
I thought You knew everything.
Why are You asking me
Where Your lovers live?”

And the Beloved replied,

Indeed, Hafiz, I do know Everything –
But it is fun playing dumb once in a while.
And I love intimate chat
And the warmth of your heart’s fire.

Maybe we should make this poem into a song-
I think it has potential!

How far does this refrain sound,
For I know it is a Truth:

Ever since Happiness heard your name,
It has been running through the streets
Trying to find you.
And several times in the last week,
God Himself has come to my door-
So sweetly asking for your address,
Wanting the beautiful warmth of your heart’s fire.

October 9th

I pray for God to keep you in everlasting peace,


Oct 10th
I dreamt of you last night
I don't know how it was when you left.
by what means you were carried away,
what hands reached out for yours,
what souls smiled as they greeted you.
I know you didn't want to go.
I know you love us all
and we will carry your love with us always,
there is a golden thread of love
stitched from my soul to yours.

Oct. 11th
I'm confused about so many things
how to go on? how to move forward?
To not make your leaving an excuse to not live.
You would scold me for that.
and yet I know you would understand.
reach your arms out to me
put my head on your chest
and make it all better.
I am still a child.
maybe I always will be.
I don't want to hold you back,
I don't want to keep you from your destiny,
yet, I want you to be near always.
I pray for the counsel, the wisdom, the fortitude to walk the path of life
from moment to moment, and not let fear paralyze me.

I bow my head in prayer, a humble servant to the Divine.


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