Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dream Fable

"Your prayers are your light
 Your devotion is your strength
 Sleep is the enemy of both

 Your life is the only opportunity that life can give you
 If you ignore it, if you waste it
 You will only turn to dust."   Rabia

Dream Fable 2
"In my dream I was going in the wrong direction, I knew it, yet went despite my knowing.
After traveling a short distance, I wanted to head home.
All the people waiting to go back said you have to wait a long time.
Someone appeared and said, "all my blessings are good, anything is possible."  

I pray to know my way and to head home.
I pray to know that all my blessings are good.
and anything is possible.

I pray for you, my beloved.
I pray for your safe journey out in the beyond.
I pray to live my life and head home.


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