Monday, September 27, 2010

Peace be with you.... and with me.

  Sometimes I didn't say or do the right thing.
  Sometimes I was selfish, thinking only of what I wanted to do.
  Sometimes I was careless, sloppy in word and deed.
  Sometimes I was angry and fear took over.
  Sometimes I went away too long.
  Sometimes I didn't appreciate what I had.
  Sometimes I watched you work while I stood by.
  Sometimes I was afraid to talk to you.
  Sometimes I didn't say what I meant.
  Sometimes I brushed you off at times I feel now it was important to have responded.
  I don't know why I did all these things.
  And nothing I do or say now will change them.
  Forgive me. For everything.
  Forgive me, for my weakness and my selfishness.
  Forgive me for my inadequacies.
  Forgive me for my imperfection.
  Forgive me for my lack of courage.
  Forgive me for all my flaws and missteps.
  I loved you through it all.
  I love you still.
  I pray for you each morning with all that I know how to pray with.
  I pray to a God I can't see or know.
  I pray to a Source I don't understand.
  I pray that whoever took you from me
  Keeps you safe and peaceful.

   Haiku/ September 26, 2010 East River

     Strong rays of light come
     A lifting of the dark clouds
     Temporary sun.

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