Tuesday, September 14, 2010

" Death is just another event along the way. Death has a universal quality, it is nothing special. It's as common as God, inherent in every moment.
The idea that the soul will join with the ecstatic just because the body is rotten - that is all fantasy.  What is found now is found then.  If you find nothing now, you will simply end up with an empty apartment in the City of Death.  If you make love with the Divine now, in the next life you will have the face of satisfied desire.  Death is not going home.  Our home is the heart, our real nature."  Kabir

 river walk

I don't know what to pray for.
Prayer is talking to God?
Am I?
 The goat's naked face reminds me of you
guileless, honest.  curious.

The river stays constant, an ever changing face, yet always the same,
it knows how to stay within its bounds

I watch the cars and school buses on the bridge
tears fill my eyes for no reason other than they exist.

"Does everything move you,"  I said.
"Yes,"  you said.

You always were and you always will be, world with end Amen.

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