Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"The first step in becoming more patient is giving up the need to fix or change things - it is having the awareness that some things are the way they are for a reason, even if we don't think so or can't see it.  If something is not changeable, try to see it as not broken.  Try to find a little faith in the process and the unfolding of things.  Despite our belief that things need our assistance, most of the amazing things that happen in the world occur without our help, interference, or assistance.  There is a power in the world.  Trust that all things are moving toward the good, even when we don't recognize it or see it.  That is faith.. Having patience is having faith."   Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

  I pray for patience to accept what my mind can not accept.
  I pray for the space to find faith.
  I don't know why I have to endure the unendurable.
  I don't know why I have to accept the unacceptable.
  I only know that I can not change it.

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