Monday, June 13, 2011

June 8th

I can't help you figure it all out, I can just tell you I' ll always be there for you,
always looking out for you
it's hard for me too
it's different now. I'm not in the same place
I can only work magic from where i am but it's not the kind of magic you think about
I can't send a prince charming down to you I can't find you a job
i can't send a pot of gold over to you
I can love you with all my heart the way I always have and always will
and I know you love me.

My imaginings on what you would say to me.

It makes me sad, heartbroken, I do my best to take the wisdom I know is there.
even though it may be only my inner wisdom rising.
getting past the noise and distractions I put in its way.

I pray to allow whatever wisdom is there
to rise up.

I pray for you- I know you are sending me messages in the ways that you can,
I'm thankful for you.

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