Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 18th

"We are constantly advancing, like explorers, into the unknown, which makes life an adventure all the way.  How interminable and dull that journey would be if it were on a straight road over a flat plain, if we could see ahead the whole distance, without surprises, with the salt of the unexpected, without challenge." 
Eleanor Roosevelt

In your honor, I go into the world, an explorer.
You will always be with me, you have "returned to the non-physical realm," just as real as this life, just a life and realm I can not understand.

 You are on your own adventure. 

  This letting go is the toughest, the most scary, sometimes not an adventure at all, just fear and the heart of sadness.

  I pray for your hand to reach for mine in a new way.

 I pray to rise to the challenge of the adventure.

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