Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 3rd

"That which takes from us gives to us: Sickness is a healer, loss is a teacher."   Jonathan Ellerby

 "If you want to be given everything

      Give everything up....

 Because the Master has no goals in mind,

 Everything she does succeeds."   Lao Tzu   600 BCE

 "She who sees deeply into
   one thing, sees all.
 She who looks long into all things,
   sees nothing."  Ancient Vedic teaching, 4000 BCE

    You still teach me, in your universe,
     I know you saw deeply into love,
     and in that you saw everything.

     Have I given everything up?
      no I haven't.

    It just feels that way, without you here.

I pray to look deeply into one thing, love.
 And to not dance all over the place looking at many things.
  seeing nothing.

I pray to find a way to piece my heart back together, still with its brokenness, yet unbroken in its brokenness.

I pray for you raindance, starbright, seascape, moonrise, eternal love.


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