Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 19th

"If your thoughts and emotions are in the past when you pray for guidance in the present, you are living in too many time zones.  This makes it hard for you to hear guidance or make decisions about what to do in your present life. You're actually listening for guidance so that you can go where you cannot go any longer, no amount of prayer can help you there. Clinging to the past is like praying for God to raise the dead."  Carolyn Myss

I want to stay in the past and in the present.
I don't want to leave you, and I don't know how to go on and keep you with me,
or do I ?
I'm so confused about all this.
I know you're here with me, and yet you're not here in the same way.
I can't go to your body any longer, I can't look into your eyes.
Too painful to even write these words.

I pray you will stay with me, in whatever ways you can.
I pray that I will know the ways, I will recognize you in whatever form you come to me.

I pray to listen. I pray to hear you.

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