Monday, March 14, 2011

"What is mindfulness ?  Mindfulness is the awareness of what one is doing while one is doing it,and of nothing else.  That is, while walking, instead of the usual distracted state of memories, hopes and fears, and so on, a jumble of thoughts and fantasies which have nothing whatever to do with walking, one confines attention to consciousness of bodily movements of the legs and such eye and ear consciousness as is necessary.  The meditator concentrating on these bare essentials thereby clears out of his mind a lot of junk.

Clearly, this is useful to the ordinary living of life as well, for the person who allows his mind to be overgrown by a jungle of irrelevant thoughts is a careless person, and his personal confusion may bring about the harm, or even death, both of himself and others."    Bhikkhu Khantipalo

I pray to be mindful, to not have a mind "overgrown by a jungle of irrelevant thoughts."

I follow you, a mindful soul. 

You are my teacher, in this as in all things.

I pray for your soul to know all this, to know your ever present presence in my life, my soul, my heart.


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