Saturday, March 5, 2011

"But because being here means so much, and because all
that’s here, vanishing so quickly seems to need us
and strangely concerns us. Us, to the first to vanish.
Once each, only once. Once and no more. And us too,
once, even if only once,
to have been on earth just once — that’s irrevocable.
And so we keep on going and try to realize it,
try to hold it in our simple hands, in
our overcrowded eyes, and in our speechless heart.
Try to become it. To give it to whom? We’d rather
keep all of it forever… Ah, but what can we take across
into that other realm? Not the power to see we’ve learned
so slowly here, and nothing that’s happened here.
Nothing. And so, the pain; above all, the hard
work of living; the long experience of love –
those purely unspeakable things."  Rilke

What have you taken into "that other realm?"
love, take all of it, my love for you and everyone's love for you.
take it as a letter to God, a letter to the sky, that you were here
and we loved you.  As you loved us.

I pray for you to have that love in your soul for eternity.

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