Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sailing Ships

Aug 25th
"When a boat disappears behind the horizon it is not "gone," just out of sight. "
                                             Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Prayer Of Thankfulness

  I am thankful
  a humble servant
  to that act of faith
  that brought you into my life.

    I  know love
    because of you,
    what people call "unconditional love"
    I  imagine the conversation we would have
    we're having it now.
    What other kind of love is there? we say to each other.
    Love, by definition, is unconditional, if there are conditions, it's not love.

      Yes, you say.
      And we agree.

        I can ask for nothing more,
       to do so would seem ungrateful.
        I pray now to practice what you taught me.
        Day after day,
        to person after person.

        I pray that your ship ( we would laugh your soul is too big to be a boat)
        has just gone over a horizon I can't see.
        I pray that place is somewhere  "over the rainbow"
        corny, but a nod to Mom and her singing.
        "She sang like an angel,"  you said.
         She's singing for you now.

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