Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26th The Arrival of Fr. Peter

Idle (video enabled)

August 26th

"Love is never so great that it can't be expanded."
                                            Dominic Anthony De Leo

     I pray for my love to expand out into the universe
     past planets and stars
     to that infinite space that holds you
     where is it?
     How will I know it?
     How will I see it?
     Questions with no answers
     There is only the feeling
      that you are not far away
      you are here.
      I don't understand how these two concepts can exist,
      contradicting each other.
      There's so much I don't understand about this new world I am in.
      A world within and without, far away and close to me.

      I pray to know the nearness of you
      I pray for strength to not struggle with understanding
      just to surrender to not knowing.

      You came to us
      in a stranger.
      Someone who spoke your words
      someone we grew to love
      in only a few short days.
      Was it a miracle?
      Who told him what to say?
      How did a stranger from the other side of the world
      More questions and your silence as an answer.
      Maybe the miracle was to find love in him.
      and in that way love expanded.
      I pray to allow love to expand.

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