Sunday, April 3, 2011

When you forgive those who have hurt you, you free up your awareness.  You shift it out of the past and bring it fully into the moment, where it can serve you to become what your heart's desire wants you to be.  Forgiveness is a great act of the soul.    The soul doesn't like to cling to the past.  It understands that all experiences are beneficial to our spiritual growth, because all experiences ultimately teach us something.  

  The most unforgiving I am is to myself.
  I pray to forgive myself for all the things I could have done, could have said, could have saved you.

  I pray for that comfort, I pray that you will understand all my failings, I know you do and you did,
  I pray to be as forgiving as you.

  I pray for your great soul, lighting up the world, the stars, the billions of galaxies, all at once.

  I pray for your soul's energy to stay near and travel far, yet remain in the orbit of my heart.

  I pray for myself to let go of past mistakes, failings, weaknesses, sins.


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