Friday, April 22, 2011

Somedays I don't want to go on without you,
What does that mean?

Not that I don't want to stay alive.

I just can't adjust myself to without you.

in my own little universe, you were the sun, we revolved around you,
though I wonder if you knew it.

in my own little universe, there was no galaxy without you.

I've tried to think of you somewhere out there,
it's too hard.
to nonsensical to me, although I never thought I was so attached to the rational.

How come I keep looking for form,
when love has no form and I know it exists.

How come I ask you these questions but you don't respond.

I pray for you, no matter that I get no response, I pray for you, no matter that I don't understand. I can still pray still reach out.

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